A lot has happened since my last update a lot has happened. In March 2024 I negotiated an exhibition of my work at the Alnwick Playhouse. I decided to develop a theme ‘Source to Sea - The Aln’ which was based on the working methods of Cornish artist Kurt Jackson. Unfortunately at that point in time I only had one painting which included the River Aln. Therefore I found I had nine months to complete a body of work that could fill the space.

Initially I walked the stretches of the Aln that I was familiar with near Alnwick and Alnmouth and took hundreds of references photographs on my I phone. I then started planning out the paintings on my I pad using ProCreate.

I then decided to research the stretches of the Aln that I did not know. This included visits to Whittingham and Alnham. I knew the source of the Aln was near Alnham but where it was depended on which maps you looked.

For the next nine months I painted and drew a large variety of work based on the river and by December I had enough work to mount an exhibition.

Promoting the exhibition by delivering posters and flyers and plugging the event constantly on social media was exciting but hard work and sometimes takes you away from what you really want to do which is paint. However we got the exhibition up and it has been a great success and as i write this I have sold twelve of the the twenty seven pieces of work on view.

The big decision now is what comes next?